With the continuous development of society and the progress of science, win7, win8 system is more and more popular with everyone, they are gradually approaching people's lives, people are more and more inseparable from them, they are so popular with everyone, it is because of its simple operation, easy to use, is the most familiar system. So most people will choose win7 or win8 system, use more people, will inevitably encounter some problems, today we talk about the error code 711 how to deal with.
win7, win8 system
Step 1: Find the registry click Start menu, click Run, enter regedit, pop-up registry.
Step 2: Locate the Parameters folder in the registry and delete it. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentConteolSet\services\eventlog\Pameters in the registry and delete the last file Pameters
Step 3: Right-click on your computer, find services and applications, click Services, find WINDOWS EVENTLOG entry, right-click to launch.
Step 4: After the third step, find the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service item and right-click to start it
Step 5: Find the Remote Acess Auto Connection Manager item again and right-click to start it
Step 6: Find the Telephony item again and right-click to start it.
Finally restart the computer to complete the repair
If the above methods can not be fixed, then only change the system
This experience