Shopping highlights: do not know that big brands can also have such a low discount here, based on China's domestic prices, there are less than a discount of Gucci handbags, 3-4 discount of Tod's classic bean shoes, 2 discount of Giorgio Armani accessories, even Maggie Cheung's favorite Balenciaga also has a discount of 50% and below. Before Christmas, I bought a Gucci canvas body for 165 euros, a Gucci canvas bag for 238 yuan, a Giorgio Armani tie for 35 euros, Fendi high-heeled sandals for 185 euros, and a Burberry classic trench coat for 268 euros. 2010 winter discount time to March 7, 5-30% off, some brands have a discount.
Not to be missed: Italian brands are often relatively low discounts, in addition, Gucci stores from clothing to shoe bags all series of discounts are low to scary, just like the domestic supermarket display shelves, a pair of fine leather shoes, exquisite craftsmanship is more than 100 euros, leather clothes are often four or five hundred euros, especially worth buying.
Business hours: Open all year round (except New Year's Day, Easter, Christmas and other holidays). Monday to Sunday 10:00-19:00.
Access: Direct bus from the city centre, 2.9 euros per person one way; There is also a direct bus to the hotel for 25 euros/person round trip, but not every hotel can pick you up.